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Challenging long shot with magnetic quick release

raptor magnet

A long shot is always a big challenge for the entire crew in a filming project. The main reason is that it requires the absolute precision of coordinating talents, camera operators, focus, and many other related parts to make the footage smooth and continuous as the story unfolds. If there is only one angle, the scene will become boring. And directors increasingly demand more and more coordination of shooting angles to have more diverse and attractive footage for their projects. One of them, transitioning from techno crane to gimbal operators or vice versa, requires a fast and safe conversion device. That’s why we offer Raptor Magnet – the first first-world safety magnetic quick release that connects cinema rigs in seconds.

Hightlight Raptor Magnet Features:

  • The First World Safety Magnetic Quick Release Solution
  • Pull to Release – Touch to Lock
  • Interchangeable Mitchell base mounts
  • Compatible with Ronin 2 Universal Mount/ Handle mounting, Movi Pro Toad in the Holes, or Ring Pro
  • Maximum payload: 50kgs
  • Battery mount: V-mount option

More detail, please visit HERE

Challenging with the long shot, let’s take a look at what customers have shared about the Raptor Magnet setup that you can learn from for your project.

Behind the scenes of ‘Welcome to Chippendales’Episode 8: ‘Switzerland’

One-take shot from technocrane to gimbal operator and vice versa.

Thank you LAGimbals for sharing this. Team with:

  • DP: Jimmy Lindsey, ASC
  • A Camera Operator: Mark Emery Moore
  • Gimbal Operators: Sam O’Melia, John Lovell
  • 1st AC: Penny Sprague
  • Technocrane Operator: Bogdan Iofciulescu
  • Key Grip: Tommy Garcia
  • 2nd AC: Josh Benavidez

NKL Ltd (Japan) Testing Magnetic quick release

Smooth workflow with NKL Team, let’s see how they play with Raptor Magnet

ATV Grip testing with Perfect Grip Team (South Korea)

How about that? Have you thought about this setup? Thank you 이근우 for sharing this.

Raptor Magnet is a unique magnetic quick release that allows you to challenge with more complex and creative shots.