A – Raptor Magnet Quick Start
Raptor Magnet Quick Start and What’s in the box were updated at HERE!
B – Raptor Magnet Specification:
1 – Does Raptor Magnet come with a travel case?
The Raptor Magnet does not come with travel case. A case is optional accessories with price at $189.00
2 – What batteries do Raptor Magnet support?
Raptor Magnet supports V-mount battery with V-mount plate available in shipment. However, you can power the magnet with a D-tap supported battery, you can buy the battery easily in your country, as long as it supports D-tap connector. Various V-mount batteries option for your choice from AMAZON
3 – Can I use Gold mount battery with Raptor Magnet?
Yes, you can if the battery supports D-tap out put. For example HERE
4 – What happens if you accidently loose power to the magnet?
There is a safety bolt that keeps it in place. It can only be released when you pull the red button at the front. When the power fails (as we have tested) you loose the magnet holding the plate/ remote head firmly in place but it still stays attached.
The Grip Company UK used camera on board batteries that last about 3 hours (must have a D-Tap). Batteries not included. See their setup at HERE
5 – How to mount Raptor Magnet with Vibration Isolator?
Raptor Magnet supports Mitchell-based, allows you to mount under vibration isolator easily.
6 – Which camera stabilizer does Raptor Magnet support?
See here:
Any question, feel free to email us at contact@customeasy.org