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Raptor Rickshaw 1/2 – Updated Pull Bar

Raptor Rickshaw is an extremely loved product by filmmakers worldwide because of its sturdy design, easy to equip with cinema rigs. From the first version to Raptor Rickshaw 3, we always try to listen and improve the product better and better to support our customers in the best way. And one of the things we get the most attention to is the “pull-bar” solution. Follow the article below to find a suitable solution for you.

Why do you need a pull bar?

As a user of Raptor Rickshaw 2, Dan Nightingale (UK) brings a new question to us:

“The rickshaw is great, and I’m a big fan. However very hard to get the pull bar not to move when using the rickshaw with the jockey wheel. I’m 90kg, and my Steadicam is 40kg, so pretty heavy.! The bar moves very easily even when tightening a lot.”

Dan thinks we need to add more pull bars and increase support for the handle when shooting, thereby preventing the handle from flipping from the safety lock. Through using experience, he also suggests to us as well as users of raptor rickshaw 1 or 2 can refer to the following:

“With the extension kit and the additional support, the bar is solid, but obviously, this is not very good when the jockey wheel is attached. I have made some extra tubes and solved the problem, which is simply a request to include more clamps x4 and x2 tubes (21cm) in any future kits for future users of the rickshaw. It’s a great rickshaw usersibility of the pull bar is the one bad area and the one weakness of the rickshaw system.”

Raptor Rickshaw 3 with added pull bar

If you are facing a similar situation, please refer to the solution we suggest below.

How to update the pull bar on Raptor Rickshaw 1/2?

We updated custom part works like Raptor Rickshaw 3 setup. Learn more here: https://customeasy.org/shop/all/rickshaw-pull-bar

On this occasion, we thank you for your trust in using Custom Easy products. The sharing and support from customers is an excellent motivation for us to improve and develop constantly. If you need assistance, please don’t hesitate to email us at contact@customeasy.org

From Custom Easy with love!